Origin of the IPO INSTITUTE

The IPO – Initial Public Offering is the most complex financial transaction as it involves knowledge in finance, in many national and international laws, in marketing trends analysis, in macro- and micro- economy, in financial public relations, in econometrics, in fundamental corporate analysis, in financial and securities markets analysis as well as in accounting, whether traditional, financial or analytical.


Too many people, including experts, talk about the IPO without any understanding of the other fields involved beside their own. Everyone pretends to know, what they really do not know, because it requires multiple different fields of knowledge and because the Initial Public Offering transaction is at the crossroad of these disciplines.


This is why I decided to create a center of expertise about the IPO, teaching real knowledge, providing opinions, killing the myths or fake information and providing real IPO Experts knowledgeable in all of the above mentioned fields and disciplines combined.


To complete the IPO Institute distribution of knowledge to the corporate world, from entrepreneurs to top executives, the IPO Institute created the IPO Conference.

IPO Complexities

Here we should have a short description of the products that informs the potential buyer on what this is and how he or she can use it. It has to be a catchy marketing description that would attract the attention of the visitor to click to know more

IPO Processes

This training module covers a full description of the IPO Processes. What are the four key processes of an IPO ?Financial – how to raise interest for shares to the public on the market?Legal – how to obtain permission to sell shares to the U.S. public market?Commercial – how to actually sell the shares to the … 阅读更多

IPO Introduction

This training module covers the definition of an Initial Public Offering and of the various fields involved to be successful, including but not limited to Legal, Financial, Marketing, Sale, Risk Management, Reputational and Strategic Information, etc…   

IPO Network

Around the IPO Institute, its founders created the largest financial community of investors, traders, brokers, traders and financiers. This community is accessible through the social networks and a LinkedIN group. The Institute will later establish adedicated social network.

IPO Optimal Valuation

What is the Highest Valuation an IPO can reach ?Is it wishable for the future life of the company on the securities market as an issuer ?

IPO Feasibility Study

In theory, an IPO is almost always possible as, already bankrupted companies have gone public, but is it feasible in good conditions ?and at which financial valuation ?The IPO Institute can provide you with a full analysis of your chances and of what the future IPO will look like in the current situation of the … 阅读更多